Select Your Gift Activity Box
Browse through the gift activity boxes below to continue your journey towards mental strength. At the moment, we have two types of boxes available: Self-care Mindfulness and Parent-child Therapeutic Boxes. Each selection offers bronze, gold, and platinum signature versions for you to choose from. Take the first step today and order your preferred type and quantity before supplies run out!

Congratulations on Your Self-care Journey
Congratulations on your Self Care journey and thank you for entrusting YourStrength to support you along your way. Please take some time to read and answer these 10 questions below that will ensure that the Self/Care/Mindfulness Box you receive meets your needs in supporting you along your wonderful Self Care journey.
10 Benefits of the YourStrength Mental Health Boxes
1. Self-Care: It encourages self-care by providing tools and reminders to prioritize YOUR mental well-being.
2. Stress Reduction: Items like stress balls, soothing scents, or calming activities can help reduce YOUR stress and anxiety.
3. Emotional Support: It can serve as a source of YOUR comfort during difficult times, offering emotional support.
4. Mindfulness: Mindfulness activities can help promote YOUR relaxation and present-moment awareness.
5. Coping Strategies: Each box contains resources and strategies to cope with challenging situations.
6. Customization: You can personalize it to YOUR needs, making it uniquely effective for you.
7. Routine: YOUR mental health box can help establish a self-care routine, improving mental health over time.
8. Accessibility: Having YOUR essential mental health tools in one place makes them easily accessible when needed.
9. Awareness: YOUR mental health box can increase awareness of your mental health and foster self-reflection.
10. Prevention: YOUR mental health box can serve as a preventive measure against potential mental health challenges.